Cookie statement

The Studio Stomp website uses cookies. We do this for several reasons:

  • Optimal functionality of the website
  • Analyzing website usage
  • Userfriendliness

We use the following cookies

Necessary cookies are used by the website to provide 100% of the functionality. Statistical cookies are used to measure and analyze usage of the website and to signal issues in a timely manner.

Category statistics
Name _gat
Description Used to measure speed and valid for 1 minute
Category statistics
Name _gid
Description Used to differentiate between users and valid for 24 hours
Category statistics
Name _ga
Description Used to differentiate between users to measure behavior and valid for 2 years
Category necessary
Name studio_stomp_session
Description Used for the website to function properly and valid until browser is closed
Category necessary
Name studio_stomp_cookie_consent
Description Used to track whether user acknowledged reading the cookie notice and valid forever